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On the rocks at Mdumbi — Madeleine Muller


Sold by: Boekhoer

Condition : Good.
Madeleine Muller, 2021, Medium-format Paperback – Juvenile Fiction – 220pp.

Set in Mdumbi on the East Coast of South Africa.
This is the third book following the adventures of Mila and Bonnie in the #Abancedi series. The books can be read in any order.

Sixteen-year-old superhero twins, Mila and Bonnie, are finally getting a well-deserved break at Mdumbi, the exotic backpackers situated on the stunning Wild Coast of South Africa.

They were hoping for just some surf & sun and perhaps a bit of romance, but a rogue illegal fishing trawler has found its way into South African fishing waters…
For this adventure the twins will need help – but who can they trust?

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