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Staying alive: real poems for unreal times – edited by Neil Astley


Sold by: Bee's Books

Staying Alive is an anthology


of life-affirming poems fired by belief in the human and the spiritual at a time when much in the world feels unreal and inhuman. These are poems of great personal force connecting our aspirations with our humanity, helping us stay alive to the world and stay true to ourselves.


“Staying Alive is a blessing of a book. The title says it all. I have long waited for just this kind of setting down of poems. Has there ever been such a passionate anthology? These are poems that hunt you down with the solace of their recognition.”


-ANNE MICHAELS, author of Fugitive Pieces


“Usually if you say a book is ‘inspirational that means it’s New Agey and soft at the center. This astonishingly rich anthology, by contrast, shows that what is edgy, authentic and provocative can also awaken the spirit and make its readers quick with consciousness. In these pages I discovered new writers, and I’ve decided I’m now in love with our troublesome epoch if it can produce poems of such genius.”




“I can’t think of any other anthology that casts its net so widely, or one that has introduced me to so many vivid and memorable poems.”




“When I’ve fallen in love, when somebody close dies, when I feel desperate or lonely, I read poetry, Staying Alive celebrates the point of poetry. It’s invigorating and makes me proud of being human.”




Edited by NEIL ASTLEY, founder of Bloodaxe Books, one of the most acclaimed poetry publishers in the English-speaking world.

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